Hapa Happy Hour
A lively discussion and celebration of the mixed heritage experience.
Rena's grad school is teaching Lisa's essay! Lisa's show is going abroad (?) and to southwestern US!

Dear readers/listeners,

I hope you're having a great 2015! Just wanted to share the exciting news that my essay, "Transforming Three Sisters: A Hapa Family in Chekhov's Modern Classic" is going to be taught in a graduate seminar on Rena's campus, UC Santa Barbara!

Also, my solo show, Alien Citizen: an earth odyssey, has been invited to two major international conferences: the SIETAR-Europa congress in Valencia, Spain (in May), and the Women Playwrights International conference in Cape Town, South Africa (in June-July)!  I've launched my very last campaign for this show on IndieGoGo, to try to fund travel/lodging/etc. expenses, in the hopes that the conferences will lead to a self-sustaining world tour: 


The show is also going to San Diego State University on April 16 and University of Arizona on April 22!

Thank you for following our podcast/blog--we do intend to publish another episode soon!



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