Hapa Happy Hour
A lively discussion and celebration of the mixed heritage experience.
Alien Citizen at Critical Mixed Race Studies conference

Dear readers & listeners,

Lisa will be performing an excerpt of her solo show, Alien Citizen: an earth odyssey, this Saturday, November 15 at 5pm at the Critical Mixed Race Studies conference at DePaul University in Chicago.

Lisa will also be in the Mixed Roots Stories Roundtable "Creating and Performing a Performance Piece" on Thursday at 2:15pm at CMRS. For more info: 


Thanks as always for tuning in to our podcast!

Category:blogs -- posted at: 11:59pm UTC

Re:Membering (our memories our stories) (episode 29)

The ladies talk about Lisa's succesful one woman show: ALIEN CITIZEN: An Earth Odyssey! Recorded last year (July 2013). 

Please contact us at: hapahappyhour@gmail.com, we'd love to hear from you ;-)

Thank you for your support!

(Photo by Jen May Photography)

Direct download: Episode_29.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:16pm UTC

solo show and essay

Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope 2014 will be your best year yet.

Quick update on my creative projects of late: I've been invited to perform my solo show, ALIEN CITIZEN: An Earth Odyssey, at Princeton University and M.I.T. next month. It has also been chosen as the closing keynote address at the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) conference in Virginia in March. These are all wonderful honors and I am thrilled to be taking the show on the road!  It had its world premiere in Hollywood in May 2013--I'm happy to say that the 5-week run was a success. It then opened the 8th Annual Women at Work Festival Off Off Broadway in September. So I'm very happy and grateful that it continues to have a life.

I also wanted to belatedly announce the publication of my essay, "Transforming Three Sisters: A Hapa Family in Chekhov's Modern Classic," in the peer-reviewed scholarly journal Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies.  You can download it here: 


Thank you as always for your continued support of Hapa Happy Hour and its co-hosts!



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